MoHFW, India released guidelines to follow for all the Indian travellers returning from China

  • Air India flight is all set to return from Wuhan, China carrying all Indians back to home.
  • Recently, The Novel Coronavirus outbreak was declared as Global emergency of concern by WHO.
  • Ministry of health and family welfare (MoHFW) released guidelines to follow for those who are returning from China.
  • The returning people are advised to live in a separate room and limit contacts with their relatives for atleast 14days.
The Novel Coronavirus outbreak is currently ongoing in china and is declared as a Global Emergency by WHO. Soon after the confirmation of the outbreak, many countries were reported to have cases of the Coronavirus infection. Most of which are the people exported from the China. India, Shrilanka, Thailand, Nepal & Tibet have confirmed the cases of the Novel Coronavirus.

One positive case of Novel Coronavirus has been found in Kerala on Thursday. The student was studying at Wuhan University in China.
The patient is reportedly stable and is being closely monitored. This is the first case where the patient has been tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus.

Meanwhile, all the three men kept under observation at an isolation ward of the RML Hospital in Delhi for possible exposure to novel coronavirus have tested negative, a Health ministry official said on Thursday.

The nationwide death toll from China's novel coronavirus epidemic has jumped to 170 with 38 more fatalities reported mainly from the worst-affected central Hubei province, while confirming more than 1,700 new infections till 30th January, 2020.
MoHFW Guidelines
MoHFW, India has released guidelines for the people of India, returning from China to prevent the disease in India. Coronavirus causes illness ranging from common cold, cough to more severe forms like MERS & SARS, which can lead to severe respiratory problems. Government of India has also directed district and corporation health teams and health workers to counsel and give guidelines for travellers returning from China. Health workers are directed to take daily follow up regarding the condition of the travellers for atleast upto 14days, and report immediately if any suspicious symptoms or illness found. The returning people are advised to live in a separate room and limit contacts with their relatives.

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